
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assessment 3

This is my final post for assessment 3 in MPI104.. :(

This assessment required me to keep adding to and using my Google, Blogger, Flickr and Delicious accounts.

Throughout this subject i have learnt a lot of things. From having no knowledge of Multimedia sharing, (apart form Facebook) I believe I have came a long way. I have created a google account and am now confident with Blog posting, Photo sharing and Bookmarking websites. I now also have a small understang of HTML coding and I have also learnt to use a program called iWeb, that creates websites which I have uploaded  onto the CSU webspace.

Not only did was i introduced to these websites/ applications, i also learnt how to use the features within them, i have experimented with gadgets, templates, fonts, colours and layouts in Blogger, saving links and even including an RSS feed. I also have a Google calender and have sent and recieved emails via Gmail.

I would have liked to include an RSS feed from my website i created however i could not manage to do that.

Using flicker i have shared various photos, commented on others, made some my favourites and i have joined gropus.

I did not find delicious a very helpful website at first but now i have changed my mind. having a list of very important websites at easy access is quite handy. I now have a totalof 13 bookmarked sites.

Creating a website was fun, being able to have almost limitless design power allowed me to create a website i was really happy with.

Overall i am quite pleased with the progress i have made and information i have learnt by studying this subject. I believe i can sya i have completed everything on the assessment 3 checklist except I could not create an RSS feed from my website  to my blog.

312 words

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