
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assessment 3

This is my final post for assessment 3 in MPI104.. :(

This assessment required me to keep adding to and using my Google, Blogger, Flickr and Delicious accounts.

Throughout this subject i have learnt a lot of things. From having no knowledge of Multimedia sharing, (apart form Facebook) I believe I have came a long way. I have created a google account and am now confident with Blog posting, Photo sharing and Bookmarking websites. I now also have a small understang of HTML coding and I have also learnt to use a program called iWeb, that creates websites which I have uploaded  onto the CSU webspace.

Not only did was i introduced to these websites/ applications, i also learnt how to use the features within them, i have experimented with gadgets, templates, fonts, colours and layouts in Blogger, saving links and even including an RSS feed. I also have a Google calender and have sent and recieved emails via Gmail.

I would have liked to include an RSS feed from my website i created however i could not manage to do that.

Using flicker i have shared various photos, commented on others, made some my favourites and i have joined gropus.

I did not find delicious a very helpful website at first but now i have changed my mind. having a list of very important websites at easy access is quite handy. I now have a totalof 13 bookmarked sites.

Creating a website was fun, being able to have almost limitless design power allowed me to create a website i was really happy with.

Overall i am quite pleased with the progress i have made and information i have learnt by studying this subject. I believe i can sya i have completed everything on the assessment 3 checklist except I could not create an RSS feed from my website  to my blog.

312 words

Monday 10 October 2011

Sunday 9 October 2011

Last Week of Uni for 2011

It's here! the last Week of Uni for 2011!!

As happy i am about this fact, there is a downside! this last week is going to be INTENSE!
we have four assignments due all in this week, and at this stage i am only confident of passing 1 out of the 4 that are due. the worst part is I must do well in all the others to guarantee a passing grade in those subjects.

so i must go stock up on mother cans and noodles to prepare for a week of working flat out..

Friday 7 October 2011

Check out my flickr page!

So yesterday i added even more pictures to my Flickr account, i now have four sets and over 30 photos on line. they are pretty cool. if you follow the link below it will take straight to my gallery.

Please enjoy!  My Flickr Photostream

After using Flickr for a while i have come to really appreciate it and I encourage anyone else to do the same!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

starting assignment 3

so after completing my 1st and 2nd  assignments for this subject I obviously must start the 3rd one.
this third assignment requires me to keep adding to my blogger flickr and delicious accounts. I aim to put at least 10 more posts on this blogger, including some videos and possibly a flash game or two. I am also going to add a few more pictures to my flickr and find at least another 5 bookmarks on delicious.