
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assessment 3

This is my final post for assessment 3 in MPI104.. :(

This assessment required me to keep adding to and using my Google, Blogger, Flickr and Delicious accounts.

Throughout this subject i have learnt a lot of things. From having no knowledge of Multimedia sharing, (apart form Facebook) I believe I have came a long way. I have created a google account and am now confident with Blog posting, Photo sharing and Bookmarking websites. I now also have a small understang of HTML coding and I have also learnt to use a program called iWeb, that creates websites which I have uploaded  onto the CSU webspace.

Not only did was i introduced to these websites/ applications, i also learnt how to use the features within them, i have experimented with gadgets, templates, fonts, colours and layouts in Blogger, saving links and even including an RSS feed. I also have a Google calender and have sent and recieved emails via Gmail.

I would have liked to include an RSS feed from my website i created however i could not manage to do that.

Using flicker i have shared various photos, commented on others, made some my favourites and i have joined gropus.

I did not find delicious a very helpful website at first but now i have changed my mind. having a list of very important websites at easy access is quite handy. I now have a totalof 13 bookmarked sites.

Creating a website was fun, being able to have almost limitless design power allowed me to create a website i was really happy with.

Overall i am quite pleased with the progress i have made and information i have learnt by studying this subject. I believe i can sya i have completed everything on the assessment 3 checklist except I could not create an RSS feed from my website  to my blog.

312 words

Monday 10 October 2011

Sunday 9 October 2011

Last Week of Uni for 2011

It's here! the last Week of Uni for 2011!!

As happy i am about this fact, there is a downside! this last week is going to be INTENSE!
we have four assignments due all in this week, and at this stage i am only confident of passing 1 out of the 4 that are due. the worst part is I must do well in all the others to guarantee a passing grade in those subjects.

so i must go stock up on mother cans and noodles to prepare for a week of working flat out..

Friday 7 October 2011

Check out my flickr page!

So yesterday i added even more pictures to my Flickr account, i now have four sets and over 30 photos on line. they are pretty cool. if you follow the link below it will take straight to my gallery.

Please enjoy!  My Flickr Photostream

After using Flickr for a while i have come to really appreciate it and I encourage anyone else to do the same!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

starting assignment 3

so after completing my 1st and 2nd  assignments for this subject I obviously must start the 3rd one.
this third assignment requires me to keep adding to my blogger flickr and delicious accounts. I aim to put at least 10 more posts on this blogger, including some videos and possibly a flash game or two. I am also going to add a few more pictures to my flickr and find at least another 5 bookmarks on delicious.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assessment 2 for MPI 104

For this asessment task i was required to create a website using iWeb and upload it onto the CSU webspace using the program "fetch", then experiment with templates fonts and colours. have some working links to my Flickr, Blog and and also include an RSS feed subscription to my blog.

I created a website that is a mock of/tribute website to the band 'GREEN DAY'. I experimented with fonts, colours and templates as well including pictures which i changed the sizes of. I did include a webpage counter however it has not worked. I have included links to my flickr, delicious and blog. I did not include an RSS feed.

As far as i know i have stuck to the requirements except for an RSS feed.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Using Iweb

For my second assessment task for MPI 104 i have to create a web page.. COOL..
I have to make this website using IWeb.

iWeb allows users to create and design websites and blogs without coding, and can be easily created using templates with coordinated fonts and colors. the pages can be fully customised.

IWeb also has widgets to make them more interesting, adding features like a countdown,you tube videos and flash games..

Wednesday 7 September 2011

links for assessment 1

Christopher Worland

Gmail Address:

My Blogger

My delicious

My Flickr

My Assessment 1 Blog

Assessment 1 Blog

To complete this assessment i had to create a google identity and set up a gmail account. I also had to set up and maintain a blog, on, a account and a flickr account to demonstrate an understanding of online communication and collaboration.

Using Blogger
Blogger is a web-based tool that helps you publish to the web instantly. It's the leading tool in the rapidly growing area of web publishing known as weblogs, or "blogs."
Blogger lets you complete the blog publishing process without writing any code or worrying about installing any sort of server software or scripts. Blogger also gives you total control of the look of your blog, being able to customise using templates, colour and fonts.
While completing this assignment I tried to do almost everything possible on blogger. I experimented with templates, fonts and colours changing all of these multiple times until i found a look i was happy with. I have also added gadgets onto my blog including fish, Flickr Photostream and a home tab.

My blog had no apparent theme, i just spoke what was o my mind or a hot topic of the day. I often tried to make my blog posts interactive, asking viewers what they thought or to add their favourite you tube clip. I have made a total of 10 posts. My favourite blogs being:

God bless you tube
Read me i dare you
Holidays have ended

I have also made comments on friend’s blogs(although they may not be viewable for some strange reason), my 3 favourite being:

Greggs post
Biggles Post
Josh’s Post
Using Delicious

Delicious is bookmarking website that allows me to create an account and save my own array of book marks to websites i enjoy or regularly use. I have bookmarked 6 websites in total, bookmarking, useful websites i regurlarly use such as my ebay and  flickr. But i have also saved

Using Flickr

flickr is an awesome website dedicated to photo sharing.  I have uploaded a total of 43 of my own images and have favourited 8 images of other people’s work and i havealso commented on other people’s images.

Links to my 3 favourite images:

Tuesday 6 September 2011

chris worland mpi104s2: GOD BLESS YOUTUBE!!!

chris worland mpi104s2: GOD BLESS YOUTUBE!!!: i found this band one day when wasting time on YouTube, and since then, i have listened to pretty much all their work and downloaded some of...


i found this band one day when wasting time on YouTube, and since then, i have listened to pretty much all their work and downloaded some of their songs. i think their acoustic covers are awesome and i think some of the songs they pick are interesting.

The Band's name is Boyce Avenue, follow a link to some of their covers and tell me what you think.

Boyce Avenue- Adele cover

Boyce Avenue- Tonic cover

Boyce Avenue- Sean Kingston cover

Also feel free to share some links you like in the comment section.

Sunday 4 September 2011

holidays have ended.. BUMMER!

my short two week "non contact period", more commonly known as holidays has sadly come to an end.
now i must get back into my intense level of study to complete my uni degree!

most people will agree that there are many distractions from studying, check out my "funniest Video ever" in the links bar. you'll be stuck on you tube for ages afterwards and you'll find nothing you set out to do that day was completed.

also check out my "grooveshark" link. this website will allow you to search for and listen to almost any track ever written, FOR FREE!

anyway i hope this post was half entertaining or distracting for your study!

Catchya next time

Saturday 27 August 2011

res school SUCKS!

i have currently been attending a residential school for landscape design class.. IT SUCKS! the days are long, you can only sit down for so long and drawing just aint that fun.. I've just arrived home after a day filled with people asking stupid questions and pointless videos.. And like most people do after they have a shit day, they post it on the internet.
 winging on the net really does make you feel better, so please, feel free to have a bitch about something in the comments section below..


Thursday 25 August 2011

Read me I dare you!

hey guys, so this is just another blog. it's ME sharing the excitement of my life with YOU. so tomorrow i have to attend a res school for one of the subjects i am studying, it will be so boring so i will not go on about that. at the moment i am watching the footy show. i am tipping the Manly Sea Eagles to be the premiers.. please leave a comment on who you think will be the premiers of NRL 2011..

Monday 15 August 2011

just another blog

hey so this is my latest blog for MPI104. not really sure what to write on these but anyway, i figured id just crap on about my day.. woke up, checked facebook, got stuck on you tube until now.. and now i'm thinking about having noodles for lunch!

then might go the movies and watch 'The Green Lantern'

so pretty exciting and eventful day for me really.. stay tuned for next week..

Thursday 4 August 2011

week 4 Delicious

tried out today.. it is a bookmarking site which can be used as a directory to numerous websites.
it is relatively easy to use, however i do not find a great use for it..

week 4 flickr

used flickr today and it was awesome.. flickr is a photo sharing website which can be accessed by anyone and its easy to use.

Friday 29 July 2011

just some more blogging..

so this is another blog because its the weekend and i have no life.. just practising a bit more..
this is an awesome social networking service that allows everyone to interact via the world wide web. very similar to facebook.. however this allows more freedom to customise your own wll or blog page..

Wednesday 27 July 2011